UPDATED 4.14.2006
L3P is a DOS-Based program written by Lars C. Hassing to convert James Jessiman's LDraw files (.ldr, .mpd, .dat) into .pov files which can be used in the freeware renderer POV-Ray.
L3P is a wonderful program and Lars did a fantastic job... unfortunately, to get the most out of it you must input a long command line with all of your options. If you make a mistake then you have to input the command line again. If you have a certain camera angle or lighting scheme that you favor then you have to remember the settings to recreate them later... until L3PAdd-on.
L3PAdd-on is a graphical user interface for L3P which allows you to choose all the options with dropdown lists and checkboxes rather than typing in the long text command line yourself. Once all of your options are chosen, you simply hit the "Run L3P" button and L3PAdd-on compiles your settings into a command line that L3P will interpret.
Another nice feature of L3PAdd-on is that you can save your favorite camera and lighting settings. They are recalled every time you run the program, so you never have to remember how you got that nice camera angle or where your lights were placed in the POV scene.
L3PAdd-on will also help to keep you from choosing options that conflict or would cause L3P to generate an error, avoiding the need to input command line options repeatedly because of a typo.
If you have a previous version of L3PAdd-on installed you can download only the L3PAO.exe here and copy it over your existing one. |